
Boston, MA — 9月 22, 2022

The Bruins announced today, September 22, 作为波士顿棕熊队首个官方球衣补丁合作伙伴,与Rapid7建立了多年的合作关系, 波士顿棕熊队的官方网络安全合作伙伴和TD Garden的官方网络安全合作伙伴, beginning with the 2022-23 season. 

A Boston-headquartered company with locations across the world, Rapid7 is a 网络安全领导者,帮助客户管理风险并消除其数字环境中的威胁,从而使其业务蓬勃发展. Both the Bruins and Rapid7 are headquartered at The Hub on Causeway, adjacent to TD Garden, and share a commitment to building up and supporting the Boston community. 

“我们与Rapid7的多年合作是我们的组织和国家冰球联盟的第一次合作,” said Boston Bruins CEO Charlie Jacobs. “随着网络安全在我们业务的各个方面变得越来越重要, partnering with Rapid7 is a perfect fit. 我们拥有相同的使命和核心价值观,承诺回馈社会,为客户提供卓越的产品. 我们很高兴能在未来的许多年里共同努力,对新英格兰社区产生积极的影响.”

波士顿棕熊队主席说:“我们原来六人队的毛衣是神圣的空间。 Cam Neely. “As a former player who proudly wore the Spoked-B, 对我和我们的组织来说,重要的是我们找到了与波士顿有联系的合适合作伙伴,并坚定地致力于在我们的社区中实现积极的变化. Rapid7体现了这些重要的价值观,我们很自豪地欢迎他们加入波士顿棕熊队的大家庭.”

“Rapid7’s partnership with the Bruins is rooted in mutual grit, a deep commitment to our communities, and a shared passion for overcoming every obstacle to protect what matters,” said Rapid7 Chairman and CEO Corey Thomas. “作为第一个球衣补丁和官方网络安全合作伙伴加入波士顿棕熊队大家庭是一种荣誉,也是两个品牌为我们的客户和社区产生持久影响的难以置信的机会. Rapid7家族期待着与这样一个传奇系列一起开启激动人心的下一个篇章.”

双方将在棕熊队所有球衣的右胸前印上Rapid7的标志,包括主场球衣, road, and practice sweaters. As the Official Cybersecurity Partner of the Boston Bruins, Rapid7将成为美国国家冰球联盟(National Hockey League)首个网络安全球衣补丁合作伙伴,并将通过团队平台和电视转播向全球数百万人展示. 在棕熊队和Rapid7签署合作协议之前,NHL宣布了球衣广告计划, 从2022-23赛季开始,允许球队合作伙伴在球队球衣上放置球衣补丁. 

In addition to the jersey patches, Rapid7将为棕熊队在TD花园的主场比赛提供优质的“Rapid7 Rafters”座位区. The Rapid7 Rafters is a high energy, membership-based social club located on the top floor of TD Garden. Opened in 2019, 这个波士顿花园协会的空间有着最独特的有利位置,以棕熊队和凯尔特人队的冠军旗帜为背景. 快速骑士队的成员可以按需观看所有熊队和凯尔特人队的比赛和音乐会. To become a member or to learn more, please visit Rafters | Boston Garden Society | TD Garden | TD Garden.

Aligned with the Bruins values, Rapid7致力于为所有人推进网络安全,并将社会利益置于其工作的首位. Rapid7致力于为弱势群体争取权益,是Hack的创始成员之一.Diversity, 这个项目的重点是增加波士顿创新经济中黑人和拉丁裔技术人才的数量. Rapid7’s work in the DEI space has been recognized nationally, 自2019年以来,她们每年都被纳入彭博性别平等指数. Rapid7和棕熊队将共同建立联盟的“曲棍球属于每个人”计划,为代表性不足的社区的下一代STEM思想家提供独特的机会, locally and around the globe.

Beginning the day of the Bruins’ home opener, October 15, 2022, Bruins home, 带有Rapid7补丁的客场和备用阿迪达斯正品球衣将在ProShop独家购买,由' 47提供动力. For a $20 donation to the Boston Bruins Foundation, 球迷可以在ProShop将赞助商的贴片热压到他们现有的球衣上, subject to eligibility and availability. For more information, visit BostonBruins.com/JerseyPatch. The ProShop is located at the Hub on Causeway, 84 Causeway Street, Boston, MA 02114, and is open seven days a week (12-6 p.m. on non-gameday, 12 p.m.-1 hour postgame on gameday).

Excel Sports Management的物业部门在波士顿棕熊队和Rapid7之间寻找并协商了这笔交易.


About Rapid7

Rapid7, Inc. (纳斯达克股票代码:RPD)的使命是通过使网络安全更加简单和可访问,为每个人创造一个更安全的数字世界. 我们通过结合一流的技术,使安全专业人员能够管理整个环境中的风险, leading-edge research, and strategic expertise into one platform. Rapid7的Insight平台是一个全面的安全库,可帮助全球客户保护云基础设施, reduce vulnerabilities, prioritize critical threats, investigate and shut down attacks, and automate routine tasks. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站,查看我们的博客,或在领英上关注我们.


Excel Sports Management

excelsports Management是一家行业领先的经纪公司,代理顶级人才, blue-chip brands and marquee properties. Excel Sports Management的物业部门是商业战略开发和世界级合作伙伴资产销售的首选解决方案, including stadium naming rights and on-uniform branding. Excel曾两次获得《十大赌博正规信誉网址》最佳人才代表和管理奖, 一直被福布斯评为全球最有价值的体育经纪公司之一. 该机构在纽约、迈阿密、洛杉矶、达拉斯、芝加哥和伦敦设有办事处. For more information, visit excelsm.com.

Rapid7 Media Relations

Caitlin O'Connor

Corporate Communications

+1 857—216—7804


Rapid7 Investor Relations

Sunil Shah

Vice President, Investor Relations

+1 857—990—4074
